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学术报告100:Petr Grinevich — Almost degenerate Riemann surfaces in the theory of rogue waves

时间:2023-11-30 作者: 点击数:


报告地点:Zoom ID:345 669 9134, Passcode: 740791

告人:PetrGrinevich 教授



报告简介:Finite-gap method provides a powerful tool for construction spatially-periodic (quasiperiodic) solutions of the soliton equation. These solutions can be explicitly written in terms of the Riemann theta-functions, and the parameters of these solutions are complicated transcendental expression of the spectral data. Fortunately, in the theory of anomalous (rogue) waves, we work with special Cauchy data, which is a small perturbation of the unstable background. Our idea was, that for such data we have very special spectral curves, close to the degenerate ones. This fact allows us to obtain simple explicit asymptotic formulas for the recurrence of rogue waves, demonstrating, nevertheless, a good agreement with numerical simulations.


PetrGrinevich教授,本科和博士就读于莫斯科大学,先后取得了数学学士、数学副博士和数学博士学位,其导师是菲尔兹奖、沃尔夫奖和阿贝尔奖获得者,泰斗级数学家Sergei Novikov教授。PetrGrinevich教授长期工作于世界闻名的俄罗斯科学院Landau理论物理研究所和Steklov数学研究所,2004年获得俄罗斯“杰出科学家奖”,2010年其论文入选“俄罗斯科学院最佳论文集”,是数学物理领域世界级专家学者。

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