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学术报告二十八:张建军—A global branch approach to normalized solutions for Schrodinger equations

时间:2022-04-25 作者: 点击数:


报告地点:腾讯会议:262 338 626

报 告 人:张建军 教授




        In this talk, we present a novel approach to study the existence, non-existence and multiplicity of prescribed mass positive solutions to a Schrodinger equation. This approach permits to handle in a unified way nonlinearities which are either mass subcritical, mass critical or mass supercritical. Among its main ingredients is the study of the asymptotic behaviors of the positive solutions and the existence of an unbounded continuum of solutions. This is based on a joint work with Prof. Louis Jeanjean and Prof. Xuexiu Zhong.


    张建军,重庆交通大学数学与统计学院教授,重庆市数学会副理事长。2001年本科毕业于中国矿业大学数学系,2012年于清华大学数学科学系获博士学位,2018年获得意大利副教授国家资格认证,2020年入选重庆市高校中青年骨干教师,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国际(地区)合作交流项目和意大利伦巴第研究员基金(Global ERC)各1项。先后应邀访问美国,德国,意大利,葡萄牙,西班牙和巴西等多所研究机构,并多次在国际会议上作学术报告。在临界情形的非线性薛定谔方程的半经典状态的研究等方面取得了一些重要结果并发表在国际权威学术刊物上,如Communications in Partial Differential Equations,Journal of Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinearity, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A Mathematics, Journal of the London Mathematical Society等。研究结果被SCI他引600余次。


下一篇:学术报告二十七:石东洋— Super-convergence analysis for some nonlinear problems with FEMs